Infrared Scattering of Cloud in an Isothermal Atmosphere

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Journal Article

In the absence of scattering, thermal contrast in the atmosphere is the key to infrared remote sensing. Without the thermal contrast, the amount of absorption will be identical to the amount of emission, making the atmospheric vertical structure undetectable using remote sensing techniques. Here we show that, even in such an isothermal atmosphere, the scattering of clouds can cause a distinguishable change in upwelling radiance at the top of the atmosphere. A two-stream analytical solution, as well as a budget analysis based on Monte-Carlo simulations, are used to offer a physical explanation of such influence on an idealized isothermal atmosphere by cloud scattering: it increases the chance of photons being absorbed by the atmosphere before they can reach the boundaries (both top and bottom), which leads to a reduction of TOA upwelling radiance. Actual sounding profiles and cloud properties inferred from satellite observations within six-hour timeframes are fed into a more realistic and comprehensive radiative transfer model to show such cloud scattering effect, under nearly isothermal circumstances in the lower troposphere, can lead to ~1 to 1.5 K decrease in brightness temperature for the nadir-view MODIS 8.5-μm channel. The study suggests that cloud scattering can provide signals useful for remote sensing applications even for such an isothermal environment.

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Date Published
ISSN Number
0022-4928, 1520-0469